The Cedar & Lee district is located just 10 minutes east of downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
Bring Quarters! While our payment systems are innovative, our parking meters still require quarters and city hall does not yet offer bitcoin payment for parking tickets.
Driving Directions to Cedar Lee District (source:
From Downtown Cleveland
Take Carnegie Avenue East through University Circle, under the railroad overpass, and up Cedar Hill (approximately 3.9 miles from I-71/I-90 InnerBelt to this point). At the top of the hill, angle right onto Cedar. Go 1.5 miles to Lee Road. Turn left on Lee for addresses 2142 and Lower; turn right for addresses 2150 and higher.
Via I-271
Exit I-271 at Cedar Road (Cedar/Brainard-Exit 32). Go west on Cedar Road for approximately 4.7 miles to Lee Road. Turn right on Lee Road for addresses 2142 and lower; turn left for addresses 2150 and higher.
From Hopkins
Airport Take I-71 North to Carnegie Avenue Exit. Take Carnegie Avenue East through University Circle, under the railroad overpass, and up Cedar Hill (approximately 3.9 miles from I-71/I-90 InnerBelt to this point). At the top of the hill, angle right onto Cedar. Go 1.5 miles to Lee Road. Turn left on Lee for addresses 2142 and Lower; turn right for addresses 2150 and higher.
From West
Suburbs Take I-90 East to I-71 North. Exit at Carnegie Avenue. Take Carnegie Avenue East through University Circle, under the railroad overpass, and up Cedar Hill (approximately 3.9 miles from I-71/I-90 InnerBelt to this point). At the top of the hill, angle right onto Cedar. Go 1.5 miles to Lee Road. Turn left on Lee for addresses 2142 and Lower; turn right for addresses 2150 and higher.
Via I-480
Take I-480 to I-271 North. Exit I-271 at Cedar Road (Cedar/Brainard-Exit 32). Go west on Cedar Road for approximately 4.7 miles to Lee Road. Turn right on Lee Road for addresses 2142 and lower; turn left for addresses 2150 and higher.
Via I-90
Take I-90 to I-271 South. Exit I-271 at Cedar Road (Cedar/Brainard-Exit 32). Go west on Cedar Road for approximately 4.7 miles to Lee Road. Turn right on Lee Road for addresses 2142 and lower; turn left for addresses 2150 and higher.
Map of Cedar Lee District (source: